onsdag 27. april 2011

Friends of Tansen

"Friends of Tansen" er navnet på det årlige magasinet som gies ut ved Tansen Mission Hospital og gir et lite glimt fra livet ved sykehuset. I årets utgave har vi skrevet en artikkel om Ingeborg Skjervheim, den norske jordmoren som jobbet i Tansen fra 1955 til 1988. Les artikkelen om Ingeborg og resten av magasinet her: http://www.tansenhospital.org.np/

1 kommentar:

  1. So nice of you to share this. 😊 I am from Tansen where the hospital is. Now I live in Norway I was just talking to my father this morning about sister Ingeborg. That's why I googled her and found this post. I never got to know her because she was gone before I was born but I grew up hearing a lot of stories about her and other beautiful human who decided to dedicate their lives helping people in my hometown. My family knew her very well and have a very fond memories of her life there. ❤️
